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Customer ratings for Masi Nova Max Ergonomic adjustable Efficient Snow Pusher Shovel no lifting

Masi Nova  Max  Ergonomic adjustable Efficient Snow Pusher Shovel no lifting
Price plus sales tax, plus delivery $35.00 Federal Express
Delivery weight: 14 kg

Masi Nova Max
Ergonomic  scoop, indestructable durable snow shovel made in Rauma Finland Over 1 million sold , durable, made in Finland, 7 year ROI,easy, save your back, no lifting 


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Number of ratings: 5
Average rating: 5
best snow shovel on the market.
from bill eisagle on 07/23/2021
great snow tool, very fast and durable
from Anonymous on 12/18/2017
In Finland, everyone has a Masi snow pusher and it is very fast and easy on the back Also has excellent ergonomics. Finns have the snow pusher hanging in their shed and it lasts for years since it is Made in Finland with quality components and manufacturing, Kudos to the Finns.
Best snow shovel I have used Amazing snow tool!
from Anonymous on 10/29/2017
This is the best shovel on the planet! I get over 300" of snow per year at my house! I may not even fix my snowblower! I love love love this shovel!!! It also has lasted for over 5 years because of the excellent quality.
5 stars
from Anonymous on 12/21/2016
I grew up with these types of snow shovels in Norway where I never used a snow blower. I have always wondered why Americans still use a conventional shovel and actually lift the snow with back breaking moves. Or use snow blowers where it could be replaced by this genius tool in 90% of the snow storms we receive here in the North East. I was glad I discovered this tool and just received mine 2 days ago. I woke up this morning to 2" of very wet heavy snow. My 50 yards double driveway was cleared in less than 10 minutes, and I didn't have to lift any of the snow!!! A great product that I highly recommend
from Anonymous on 08/28/2015
I just finished shoveling four inches of new-fallen snow off a 50-foot driveway and must say -- this is the best buy I have ever made online! Even though I'm 6'4" the Snow shovel was the perfect height for me to move snow without winding up with an aching back! Mudos to the Finns.

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